Mobile Marketing

Evolucion Uso Smartphones


Smartphones usage tendency is unstoppable:

  • 50% of the European population owns a Smartphone.
  • 80% of the Mobile phones sold are already Smartphones.
  • Mobile users are always connected & check their screens 150 times a day.
  • 58% of the smartphones users search daily.
  • Mobile Searches in Google account already 25% of total searches and will be 40% at the end of the year.
  • 24% already made a purchase from their mobile device.


These figures show us the need to establish a Mobile Strategy within our Marketing Plans. Reaching this mobile audience is a big opportunity for our websites and online businesses.


At the same time, we should have our website ready for welcoming these mobile visitors:

  • 47% of the users only consults the 1st search results page while searching on their mobiles.
  • 57% would not recommend a website that is not mobile optimized.


In SHAKE-IT MARKETING we specialized in Mobile Marketing and we help Companies and Brands to optimize their activities on the mobile environment.


We've been certified as MobileExperts by iAi & Google:

Sello Mobile Experts